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Providing a reliable activation process, KMS Activator stands as an efficient tool for various Microsoft Windows and Office versions.

Activator for Windows&Office Kmsautofree

Library z-lib

Survey Monkey Versus Microsoft Forms

June 20th, 2021|Microsoft Teams|

Why Pay Twice? Survey Monkey. It's a catchy, memorable name. It has a great reputation as a resource for collecting data and gathering input via surveys and quizzes. The free version is easy to use, and maybe you've considered the paid version. But do you need it? If you have Microsoft O365, you probably already have everything you need to [...]

Why You Need a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

June 14th, 2021|Cybersecurity|

The recent wave of cyber attacks in the United States—including the dramatic ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline that caused long fuel lines—may have had you wondering how prone to cyber threats your organization is. Ransomware alone has reached new heights with increasingly targeted attacks, and has seen a 158% spike in North America since 2019. As well, new variants [...]

Get Your Digital House in Order with a Tech Spring Clean

May 28th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Most people think of Spring Cleaning as a late March/early April tradition but, guess what? Summer doesn't officially start until June 20th. We can still squeeze in a lot more spring cleaning yet.  We are all for tidying, decluttering, window washing, and the like for your spring cleaning game plan, but take a moment to reflect on the last time [...]

What are Managed Services?

May 28th, 2021|Uncategorized|

While “Managed Services” is an IT industry term, there is no consensus on the exact definition. Many Managed Service Providers, also known as MSPs, are out there.  Although there is no simple, neat definition, here is what most people are referencing when they talk about “Managed Services”: Maintaining an organization's technology, including computers, devices, printers, wifi Access points, et cetera. [...]

Understanding Cloud Infrastructure

May 19th, 2021|Managed Services|

The cloud is far from being an amorphous, indistinct thing. Cloud computing power is actually made possible by several physical, integrated components, including hardware, virtualization, storage, and networking devices. These components are what make up the cloud’s infrastructure, whether you are operating in a public cloud (like Microsoft Azure), private cloud, or hybrid cloud environment. Here we take a closer [...]

Azure Machine Learning and What It Can Do for Your Business

May 19th, 2021|Azure|

Has your business delved into the exciting world of machine learning yet? This application of artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to transform the way your business approaches data, from processing it to using it to inform your business practices and solve problems. What is machine learning? It can feel a little fuzzy or futuristic to those outside of [...]

Here’s How to Develop an ERP Selection Plan

May 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software selection is a huge undertaking. No matter how large or small your business, your ERP software is a critical piece of your business’ tech stack. It impacts functional areas across the entire organization, from accounting to HR to sales to operations, and so on. Implementation takes time and additional resources, not to mention the [...]

What Your Business Can Gain from IT Strategy Consulting

May 19th, 2021|IT Solutions|

What is IT strategy consulting and does your business need it? Here we cover some top questions about IT strategy consulting. Say the word “consulting” and many business owners immediately think of a third party that swoops in, tells their business what to do, and then charges a hefty price for it. And yet, bringing in a consultant to [...]

Why Do You Need Managed IT Services?

April 30th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Managed IT Services have helped thousands of organizations leverage their limited budget and resources to improve efficiency, security, service delivery, and professionalism. It’s a smart move and can help you take your business to the next level. Below we have listed some of the main benefits that our clients enjoy.  Reduce Risk During the pandemic era, hackers have found more [...]

Should You Consider These Technology Trends?

April 23rd, 2021|Uncategorized|

As a business owner or leader, you have access to more technology options than ever before, to the extent that it can seem utterly baffling to keep up. Of the wide range of tech trends, which ones are worthy of your attention and (perhaps a more important question) which ones are worthy of your investment? Business strategy = technology strategyWhat has [...]

Be Prepared with Managed Detection and Response

April 23rd, 2021|Managed Services|

Amping up your threat intelligence and response is likely important to you, but if you lack the internal resources to do those things well, you may want to consider managed detection and response. What is managed detection and response (MDR)?Managed detection and response services involve cybersecurity and threat hunting provided by an external MDR vendor. It improves threat detection and incident [...]

What are the Right Questions to Ask an IT Support Company for Small Business?

April 12th, 2021|Uncategorized|

When interviewing prospective IT support partners, it can be helpful to approach the conversation with some knowledge of IT Management Strategy. If you like, you can read our full article on how to Build an IT Service Management Strategy.  When thinking of IT support, most people think of “reactive” support, i.e. password changes, troubleshooting problem printers, et cetera. To keep [...]

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