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How Technology Can Help You Build a More Collaborative Culture


Remote work is here to stay for the foreseeable future, but collaboration is key to driving your business forward whether your employees are in-office or working from home. Here’s how you can start leveraging technology to build a culture of collaboration in your organization. What is a collaborative culture? How does it benefit your business? Collaboration happens in most, if not all companies, but not all companies have built a collaborative company culture. A collaborative culture means collaboration is an integral part of the company’s everyday work environment. Rather than occurring when initiated, like during meetings, collaboration actively happens daily. Centered on the idea that collaboration maximizes employees’ unique skill sets, a collaborative work culture encourages inclusion and free-thinking [...]

How Technology Can Help You Build a More Collaborative Culture2022-07-29T13:22:15-07:00

AccountabilIT Among First US Microsoft Partners to Earn Microsoft Cloud Security Advanced Specialization


Recognized for Technical Capabilities to Deliver Specialized Security Services Phoenix, AZ, May 03, 2022 – AccountabilIT, LLC, a leading global provider of IT solutions, has earned a Microsoft Advanced Specialization for Cloud Security through the Microsoft Partner Network program. Microsoft recognizes that AccountabilIT has proven experience implementing comprehensive protection across customers' Microsoft Azure, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments. Out of approximately 100,000 Microsoft Partners in the US, Accountability is among the first 23 Partners to achieve this specialization, placing the MSSP in the elite group of Microsoft Partners. Microsoft's Advanced Specialization identifies partners that have demonstrated expertise in specific IT areas. In addition to this Advanced Specialization, Microsoft has recognized AccountabilIT as a Gold Partner with Gold Competencies in Security, [...]

AccountabilIT Among First US Microsoft Partners to Earn Microsoft Cloud Security Advanced Specialization2022-05-03T10:07:47-07:00

Best Practices for Managing Data Protection


From meeting compliance requirements to protecting your business’s bottom line, safeguarding sensitive data is essential to the success of your business, but do you have a solid management model in place to ensure you can do so effectively? Often used to secure personally identifiable information (PII), data protection management is a strategic combination of human and automated data backup and protection processes, and we break down the best practices you should follow to make sure your management is always up to speed with the latest regulations and security threats. Data Protection Principles to Guide Your Approach The United States doesn’t currently have a central federal data protection law. However, different industries across the country often work toward the same [...]

Best Practices for Managing Data Protection2022-05-31T17:13:52-07:00

Remote Working Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe


As many companies have discovered over the past couple of years, remote working presents myriad advantages, from lower overhead costs to happier, more productive employees. However, with these benefits come new cybersecurity risks. As businesses continue to adapt to a new way of working, cybercriminals are there to take advantage of any weaknesses. To minimize damage to your business and maintain the competitive advantages of enabling remote work, you need to ensure your employees have the tools and knowledge necessary to protect their home networks. Tips Employees Working Remotely Need to Know Every unprotected endpoint is an open door for cyberattacks, so make sure to share these tips on how your employees can keep their information (and your business’s [...]

Remote Working Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe2022-05-31T17:09:37-07:00

Do You Have a Ransomware Response Plan? How to Build One


With more than 4,000 occurring every day, ransomware attacks are no longer a question of if, but when. Don’t let your business get caught off guard and make sure you have a clear ransomware response plan in place. What Is a Ransomware Attack? The term ransomware has become a cybersecurity buzzword but what is it, precisely? What happens when ransomware infects your systems and networks? Put briefly, ransomware is a form of malware that will take your data, or your entire system, hostage. With the goal of extorting money from you, the ransomware won’t release your data until you pay a ransom. Despite the damage these attacks can cause, many businesses don’t have a response plan in place and [...]

Do You Have a Ransomware Response Plan? How to Build One2022-08-23T16:17:27-07:00

How to Properly Manage Your IT Asset Lifecycle


Even if you invest in the latest, most innovative technologies, they will eventually become obsolete. However, with a well-executed asset management system, you can prolong your information technology assets' viability and get the most value for your technology spend. What Is IT Asset Lifecycle Management? Defined simply, IT asset lifecycle management - often referred to as just IT asset management (ITAM) - is the ongoing process of ensuring your IT assets are tracked and used to their full potential. The goals of ITAM include optimizing spend, improving organization-wide decision making, and boosting productivity. Stages of the IT Asset Lifecycle All of your IT assets, no matter the type, go through the following stages: Planning With a practical, proactive plan, [...]

How to Properly Manage Your IT Asset Lifecycle2022-04-18T10:12:06-07:00

5 Digital Transformation Challenges—and How to Overcome Them


Even if your organization hasn't embarked on its digital transformation, you’ve likely heard the term and considered whether a transformation is the right next step. So what is it, exactly, and what can a digital transformation do for your business? A digital transformation usually refers to rethinking your approach to technology usage in the face of changing customer expectations or business objectives. For most businesses, this means implementing digital technologies across all aspects of the organization. There are many benefits to making this change. Some of the most notable benefits include using data-driven insights to provide better customer experiences and boost operational efficiency. But to experience those benefits, you’ll first need to face the challenges that come with overhauling [...]

5 Digital Transformation Challenges—and How to Overcome Them2022-07-29T13:26:18-07:00

Endpoint Security Solutions: What to Look for


Every endpoint in your business poses a threat. Left unprotected, each endpoint becomes an unchallenged point of entry for cyberattacks, and the frequency and intensity of attacks continue to increase. Here’s what you can do to shore up cybersecurity in this particularly vulnerable area. What is an endpoint? Any device that connects to the network outside its firewall is an endpoint. Some endpoints that may readily come to mind are laptops, mobile devices, and tablets. Endpoint devices also include digital printers, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and other IoT (internet of things) devices. Take inventory, and you might realize that there are more endpoints in your system than you initially thought. You may also find that the number and type of [...]

Endpoint Security Solutions: What to Look for2022-02-02T09:39:13-07:00

SMB Cybersecurity Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know


As a small or medium-sized business owner, you might assume hackers target large organizations with the goal of raking in more money. In reality, no business is totally safe from cyberattacks, and SMBs are actually targeted at nearly the same rate as large enterprises. Here is what the statistics have to say about why SMBs need robust security measures, too. 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses Hackers will often target SMBs because the companies’ computer and security systems are typically less complex, making it easier for hackers to access sensitive information. Additionally, businesses today are digitally connected to each other, so hackers often see small businesses as an access point to the systems of large companies, which may [...]

SMB Cybersecurity Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know2022-04-18T10:04:00-07:00

Making Sure IT Risk Management Is Prioritized in the Budget


Does fighting for IT budget sometimes seem like an uphill battle? Some in your organization may see IT requirements as conflicting with the broader needs of the business, or they might not want to prioritize IT spend. But prioritizing IT risk management within the overall business objectives — and budgeting for that risk management — isn't a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. That's because doing business in today's environment — when so much data is online and in the cloud — brings massive threats and vulnerabilities. An IT risk management strategy comprises the policies, procedures, and technology organizations must adopt to reduce these vulnerabilities and threats. But risk management programs can be costly, particularly as threats constantly evolve. And even [...]

Making Sure IT Risk Management Is Prioritized in the Budget2022-01-12T15:40:44-07:00

IoT Security: How You Can Protect Your Business


In the early days of the internet, you only connected computers to the world wide web, with actual physical wires, not over wifi networks. With the advent of wireless technology, we all connect countless devices to the internet, from computers to tablets to cell phones to thermostats and even light bulbs. Each connection is a security risk. Here'sHere's what you need to know.What is IoT?IoT stands for the "Internet of Things." What are those things, exactly? They'reThey're all the connected devices we use every day. Essentially everything "smart" — smartphones, smartwatches, thermostats, TVs, tablets, security systems, voice controllers, and speakers provide just a starting list.These IoT devices and more have become central to our daily lives and the running of [...]

IoT Security: How You Can Protect Your Business2022-07-29T12:49:02-07:00

Protecting Your Business from a Ransomware Attack


Think your biggest business problems are keeping up with industry trends, outpacing your competitors, finding the best talent, or figuring out how a hybrid work model fits your organization? Each of these may undoubtedly be a challenge, but here’s another one to add to your (likely growing) list: Ransomware. The severity and sophistication of ransomware attacks keep escalating across all industries. Cybersecurity Ventures, a top global cyber economy research and publishing organization, has predicted that ransomware perpetrators will have refined their “trade” enough to attack every two seconds in less than ten years. In 2021, the Financial Trend Analysis (which is produced by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, part of the US Treasury Department) found the following: $102.3 million: [...]

Protecting Your Business from a Ransomware Attack2022-01-12T10:20:47-07:00
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