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Providing a reliable activation process, KMS Activator stands as an efficient tool for various Microsoft Windows and Office versions.

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The Dark Web: What It Is And How It Affects Your Organization


This article will explore the most commonly asked questions about the dark web and offer insights on how to prevent your organization’s data from ending up there. What is the dark web? The dark web and the deep web are terms that are often used interchangeably. The deep web is everything on the internet that is not indexed in search engines. This can include data like health records, confidential web pages, fee-based content, membership-based websites,  et cetera. Basically, anything that is not findable via Google or other search engines. If you have ever logged into Netflix to watch a movie or signed into Amazon to place an order, then you have been exposed to the deep web. The deep web [...]

The Dark Web: What It Is And How It Affects Your Organization2022-02-20T14:15:33-07:00

IT Help Desk or Service Desk? It’s All In a Name


Is a help desk a service desk, and vice versa? To those not in the information technology industry, these terms sometimes get thrown around interchangeably. But they’re not one in the same. Here, we’ll look at what defines an IT service desk and what you should look for when seeking out this essential function of managed services providers. What is a help desk? A help desk (sometimes called “helpdesk”) provides what’s referred to as “break-fix” support for users (whether customer or employee) of a company product, service or other function. A help desk’s purpose might cover everything from technical support, to product or warranty questions, and even to basic customer service. Most important to understand: This kind of customer [...]

IT Help Desk or Service Desk? It’s All In a Name2021-01-21T16:45:04-07:00

Six Times Your Business Could Benefit from Remote Desktop Support


It’s amazing to think about how much work and the types of work that are done remotely these days. Events in the past year accelerated the shift to remote working for a number of different companies and roles, and for many, it was not an easy transition. One industry that was already ahead of the game? IT support, which has been delivering help from afar to end users for many years. But if you haven’t had the opportunity to really leverage remote desktop support before, you might be surprised at the types of IT support tasks that can be done remotely. Here we take a look at what exactly remote desktop support is, as well as six times it can provide speedy [...]

Six Times Your Business Could Benefit from Remote Desktop Support2021-01-21T16:40:59-07:00



PHOENIX, AZ — January 8, 2021 — AccountabilIT has announced it has acquired Enterprise Technology Services (ETS), a managed services provider in Arizona. The purchase will allow both companies to expand their presence and dominance in the Arizona and national markets, and to offer a wider variety of services and products to their customers.  AccountabilIT has been an innovative leader in both the cybersecurity space (being the first partner to offer Microsoft Azure Sentinel) as well as in cloud computing. The acquisition fits into AccountabilIT’s strategy to expand its footprint in key national markets, along with its practice of hardware and software resale (a core offering of ETS). This joining of forces and competencies will further cement both companies’ reputations [...]


Data Recovery and Business Continuity in the Event of a Disaster


When a disaster or system failure disrupts your business, data loss can be a major — and a costly — consequence. And yet it’s an inevitable part of being in business: hard drives malfunction, lost files or deleted files result from human error, and frequent cyber attacks are an unfortunate fact of today’s landscape. But there is a way to protect your data and keep your operations from coming to a screeching halt: Business continuity and data recovery planning. Backing it Up Back in the day, data was backed up on tapes and stored at an offsite location in a physical vault. Over time, that process and the technology evolved to utilize more nimble, higher capacity storage devices, like [...]

Data Recovery and Business Continuity in the Event of a Disaster2021-01-11T10:35:07-07:00

How to Create Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan


When it comes to an IT disaster striking your business, the term to use is probably “when,” not “if.” And when a disaster happens, you can be sure it has the potential to bring your operations and your profits to a halt, with long-term repercussions: 93% of companies without a disaster recovery plan who suffer a major data disaster are out of business within one year. These days, having a disaster recovery (DR) plan in place is no longer a nice-to-have. It’s an absolute must-have. Part of that has to do with the increasing laws and regulations requiring many business types to establish a disaster recovery plan. Whether regulations apply or not, disaster recovery and business continuity planning go [...]

How to Create Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan2023-04-14T05:00:16-07:00

Stay Safe and Productive in 2021: 3 Phishing Threats to Know for the New Year


Cybercriminals are always evolving their methods of getting unauthorized access to your private information and with the rapid, on-a-dime increase of the remote workforce, 2020 has been an exceptional year for cybercrime. According to phishing.org, phishing is a type of cybercrime in which a hacker contacts the target by email, phone, or SMS message (text message) and they pose as a recognized institution, business, or other organization. The purpose of phishing is to persuade people to provide private or sensitive data, like personal information, credit card and banking information, and login information (usernames, passwords, passphrases, etc.).  In this article, we will go over some of the most common phishing phenomena reported in 2020. Security awareness is the most effective way [...]

Stay Safe and Productive in 2021: 3 Phishing Threats to Know for the New Year2022-02-20T14:15:33-07:00

How to Add a Connector to an MS Teams Channel


Connectors in MS Teams are a very useful function but few users know about them. You can use connectors to sync updates and data into the chat stream in Teams from other services that your organization subscribes to, such as Trello, Wundlist, GitHub, and Azure DevOps. You can also set up connectors to sync data from your other Office 365 programs into the chat stream. For example, we have a client who wanted to set up automated updates between the sales team and the accounting team when new clients are signed. They created a connector to forward all email notifications that a new contract has been signed into the accounting channel in Teams. They could have set up the email [...]

How to Add a Connector to an MS Teams Channel2022-02-20T14:15:34-07:00

How Cloud Services Can Ensure You Make the Most of Your Investment


How Cloud Services Can Ensure You Make the Most of Your Investment There are solid financial and operational reasons to be in the cloud. But once you embrace the cloud, where do you go from there? How can you make sure you’re leveraging everything your cloud has to offer —  whether you’re on a public cloud platform, in a private cloud, or working with a hybrid cloud deployment model — so that you’re maximizing your cloud spend? Cloud computing services help you realize the potential of the cloud for your business, so you can take full advantage of the flexibility, scalability, and mobility available to help you run and grow a modern and efficient business. Here are six ways [...]

How Cloud Services Can Ensure You Make the Most of Your Investment2020-12-03T15:52:44-07:00

Smishing: What is it and How To Avoid Being a Victim?


What is Smishing? Smishing is a type of phishing attack but instead of arriving by email, as phishing attacks generally do, they come via text message or SMS message.  Smishing attempts are the fastest-growing type of phishing attacks because they are easy for hackers to carry out and their success rates are relatively high. According to Verizon’s 2020 Mobile Security Index, smishing attacks have gone up by more than 600% in the past year. This trend is projected to continue, especially as we move into the holiday season. Experts believe that the reason for smishing’s high success rate is that most people are less wary of attacks via text message than they are when it comes by email. People are [...]

Smishing: What is it and How To Avoid Being a Victim?2022-02-20T14:15:34-07:00

Managing Risk with a Cloud Migration Checklist


The cloud is a wonderful place to be for many businesses, and there are good reasons so many are adopting the cloud: cost-effectiveness, scalability, and security, to name a few. But it’s not completely without risk. Successful migration of your applications and data to the cloud takes careful planning in order to minimize the possibility of risks that are inherent in any cloud migration, including data loss, latency, interoperability, overspending, and security. Use this checklist to maximize your migration success. Determine & engage stakeholders Those who should be involved in this project from the start include, but shouldn’t be limited to, members of your IT team. Business stakeholders and other key roles should be included from the outset, as [...]

Managing Risk with a Cloud Migration Checklist2020-11-24T15:40:07-07:00

Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud: Everything You Need to Know


In these days of remote work, moving to the cloud has surfaced as an urgent business imperative for the C-suite. And it makes sense: Cloud environments provide speed, access, capacity, scalability, connectivity, and even security features in stronger measures than on-premises environments. But as you start digging into and gaining an understanding of cloud solutions, you realize there’s more than one cloud model. In fact, there are few: private, public, and hybrid cloud are all types of deployment models that are up for your consideration. So, what does each cloud deployment type mean, and what are the benefits and drawbacks? Here, we take a look. What is a private cloud? A private cloud is solely owned by and dedicated [...]

Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud: Everything You Need to Know2020-11-24T15:36:35-07:00
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