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Understanding the Impact of a Distributed Denial of Service Attack


With the rising number of cyber threats, it can be difficult to ensure the availability of your business-critical systems. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in particular are causing severe downtime for organizations everywhere. Here’s what you need to know about what this increasingly-common threat could mean for your business. What Is a Distributed Denial of Service Attack? Distributed denial of service attacks occur when compromised systems flood a server with junk internet traffic. The result? Normal traffic is disrupted, and legitimate users are unable to access their systems or devices. Unlike other attack types, DDoS attacks aren’t an attempt to steal information but to take down a website, and motives often range from extortion and hacktivism to pure [...]

Understanding the Impact of a Distributed Denial of Service Attack2022-10-20T08:51:15-07:00

How to Properly Manage Your IT Asset Lifecycle


Even if you invest in the latest, most innovative technologies, they will eventually become obsolete. However, with a well-executed asset management system, you can prolong your information technology assets' viability and get the most value for your technology spend. What Is IT Asset Lifecycle Management? Defined simply, IT asset lifecycle management - often referred to as just IT asset management (ITAM) - is the ongoing process of ensuring your IT assets are tracked and used to their full potential. The goals of ITAM include optimizing spend, improving organization-wide decision making, and boosting productivity. Stages of the IT Asset Lifecycle All of your IT assets, no matter the type, go through the following stages: Planning With a practical, proactive plan, [...]

How to Properly Manage Your IT Asset Lifecycle2022-04-18T10:12:06-07:00

The Biggest Tech Issues Facing Business in 2022


Technology: Your business couldn’t run without it, but sometimes, it can cause more frustration than peace of mind. Here’s a look at some of the challenges and trends you’ll likely need to address to ensure a successful 2022. Technology Issues You Need to Understand Cybersecurity Concerns Technology is evolving every day, and many of these innovations can keep businesses secure. However, as technology advances, so do the ways in which hackers can access sensitive data, and with the rise of remote work, your data is more vulnerable than ever before. In fact, according to RiskBased Security’s 2021 Mid Year Report, 18.88 billion records were lost in the first half of 2021—a more than 400% increase compared to 2019. To [...]

The Biggest Tech Issues Facing Business in 20222022-04-18T09:56:57-07:00

Questions to Ask Yourself (and Your Team) About Moving to the Cloud


Businesses are always on the lookout for ways to streamline and automate their operations, maximize efficiency, and boost their bottom line. For many, moving their data and applications to the cloud is the answer. There are many benefits of cloud computing, such as: Cost-savings: With cloud technology, you only pay for what you need. Security: Your data might not be stored onsite, but it’s the job of the cloud host to monitor and manage your information and proactively address threats, risks, and vulnerabilities. Flexibility: Whether you’re a small or enterprise-sized business, cloud computing allows easy scaling to fit your needs and objectives. Choosing to move your data to the cloud can transform the way you do business, but heading [...]

Questions to Ask Yourself (and Your Team) About Moving to the Cloud2022-04-18T09:52:22-07:00

Think Like a CIO — Even If You Don’t Have One


Not every business has the benefit of having a C-level executive that uses their knowledge of technology to identify opportunities that create value for your organization. But when you’re only thinking in the tactical realm of IT, it can be hard to go beyond the day-to-day headspace and wrap your head around the bigger technology picture. That’s the exact specialty of a chief information officer (CIO), and here’s how you can think like one in order to better your business through technology. What does a CIO do? A CIO is a business leader that happens to speak the language of IT. They’re responsible for connecting IT to the business, as well as to vendors and clients. They’re ever mindful [...]

Think Like a CIO — Even If You Don’t Have One2021-11-04T09:01:59-07:00

Keys to a Successful Managed IT Service Provider Relationship


Outsourcing IT services to a managed IT service provider is one popular way to augment your in-house talent and help provide you with the technology and support you need to move strategic initiatives forward. But whether or not you reach your IT goals depends largely on the success of the provider-customer relationship. When it comes to IT, it’s not just about having a managed service provider (MSP) by your side to keep an eye on your technology. It’s just as much about developing a good relationship with that provider so they can bring the most value. Here are seven things you should look for and expect from an excellent MSP: Improved efficiency & cost savings Whether you are a [...]

Keys to a Successful Managed IT Service Provider Relationship2021-09-17T08:37:41-07:00

Understanding Cloud Infrastructure


The cloud is far from being an amorphous, indistinct thing. Cloud computing power is actually made possible by several physical, integrated components, including hardware, virtualization, storage, and networking devices. These components are what make up the cloud’s infrastructure, whether you are operating in a public cloud (like Microsoft Azure), private cloud, or hybrid cloud environment. Here we take a closer look at what all these resources are and how they contribute to make the cloud possible. What are the cloud infrastructure components? There are a number of key components that are needed for cloud computing. The four primary ones are hardware, virtualization, storage, and networking. Hardware Physical hardware lays the groundwork for cloud infrastructure and can be positioned in different [...]

Understanding Cloud Infrastructure2022-02-15T07:47:49-07:00

Be Prepared with Managed Detection and Response


Amping up your threat intelligence and response is likely important to you, but if you lack the internal resources to do those things well, you may want to consider managed detection and response. What is managed detection and response (MDR)?Managed detection and response services involve cybersecurity and threat hunting provided by an external MDR vendor. It improves threat detection and incident response through continuous monitoring of IT assets. Why does a business need MDR?Many organizations know that cyberattacks are an issue and that fortifying cybersecurity is an important part of doing business, but they may not have the resources in-house to deal with advanced threats and security events. MDR is not a software or application. The emphasis is on service that includes both [...]

Be Prepared with Managed Detection and Response2021-04-23T14:14:02-07:00

What is a Fractional CIO and How Can One Help Your Business?


When it comes to accessing talent and expertise in certain areas, small-to-medium sized businesses can be at a disadvantage. The big guys have deep pockets for the high leadership headcount that SMBs often do not. While enterprise-level organizations have every “C” in the suite right under their roofs — from CEO to CIO to CMO to CPO and so on — SMBs need to get more creative in identifying how to access the resources that larger businesses have in-house. When it comes to technology leadership, that’s where a fractional CIO (chief information officer) — also known as a virtual CIO or vCIO — comes in.  If you’re one of those smaller businesses that doesn’t have a full-time CIO, you [...]

What is a Fractional CIO and How Can One Help Your Business?2021-02-18T14:45:15-07:00

Two Truths for a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy


If you are an IT decision maker, you may be one of the many fast-tracking your digital transformation efforts. The technology needs of your business have likely changed, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Or you may be driven to transformation by something else entirely, such as competition, rapid growth, or stagnant legacy systems. Whatever it is pushing you to transform now, you’re probably already familiar with the “what” and “why.” You may have even been brought to your role specifically to disrupt the digital status quo, with an end goal to produce better business outcomes. If so, you’re not just looking to implement new technologies. You’re charged with a full-scale overhaul of the organization’s very philosophy of and approach [...]

Two Truths for a Successful Digital Transformation Strategy2021-02-09T12:21:25-07:00

Understanding RTO and RPO


The success of any disaster recovery plan hinges on whether or not two key metrics are achieved: Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). But what do those two metrics mean, exactly, and why do they matter? While the two sound somewhat similar, they actually have very different roles in your disaster recovery plan and can help you achieve business continuity in the face of disruption or downtime. Recovery Time & Point Objectives Defined Recovery Time Objective (RTO) can be defined as how quickly your systems or applications must be back online following a disaster. In other words, how much time after a disaster occurs can acceptably pass before systems are recovered without significant damage to the [...]

Understanding RTO and RPO2021-02-03T07:42:30-07:00

Six Times Your Business Could Benefit from Remote Desktop Support


It’s amazing to think about how much work and the types of work that are done remotely these days. Events in the past year accelerated the shift to remote working for a number of different companies and roles, and for many, it was not an easy transition. One industry that was already ahead of the game? IT support, which has been delivering help from afar to end users for many years. But if you haven’t had the opportunity to really leverage remote desktop support before, you might be surprised at the types of IT support tasks that can be done remotely. Here we take a look at what exactly remote desktop support is, as well as six times it can provide speedy [...]

Six Times Your Business Could Benefit from Remote Desktop Support2021-01-21T16:40:59-07:00
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