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Overview of Popular Cybersecurity Frameworks


The threat of cybersecurity breaches grows in parallel with our increasing reliance on digital platforms. In today's cybersecurity landscape, a robust cybersecurity framework isn't a luxury but a necessity. Keep reading for an introductory overview of some of the most commonly adopted cybersecurity frameworks that organizations use to bolster their defenses. Numerous cybersecurity frameworks exist to help organizations manage risk and reduce vulnerability. Some sources mention up to 25! This post focuses on the four frameworks that are most relevant to our customers: NIST Cybersecurity Framework ISO 27001 CIS Controls CMMC Before we start, it's worth noting that a cybersecurity framework typically consists of guidelines, best practices, and standards that organizations can adopt to mitigate risks and lessen vulnerabilities. [...]

Overview of Popular Cybersecurity Frameworks2023-07-09T10:00:39-07:00

Navigating the Windows Server 2012 Transition: Ensure a Secure and Future-Ready Infrastructure


Introduction As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a secure and efficient IT infrastructure. Accordingly, one critical aspect of this is recognizing the need to transition from Windows Server 2012. With its end of support on the horizon, businesses must take action to safeguard their operations and ensure long-term success. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of this transition, potential risks, and provide guidance on navigating this change seamlessly. Understanding the Issue Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 have provided businesses with robust functionality and support for several years. However, relying on these platforms as the end of support date approaches can pose significant risks to [...]

Navigating the Windows Server 2012 Transition: Ensure a Secure and Future-Ready Infrastructure2023-07-07T13:06:29-07:00

Why Data Encryption Is a Must for Your Business’s Success


Encryption: It’s an essential component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. However, businesses too often take a patchwork approach to encryption deployment and management and as a result, open themselves up to costly cyberattacks. Learn more about the impact poor- and high-quality encryption can have on your business’s success. What Is Data Encryption? Data encryption is a process through which your business’s data becomes unreadable. It works by scrambling data into a code, also known as “cipher text,” that no one can break unless they have the key. Once it reaches its intended recipient, a private “key” decrypts the data and returns it to its original form. There are two types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric encryption is any [...]

Why Data Encryption Is a Must for Your Business’s Success2023-01-27T13:33:18-07:00

What Is Data Architecture? Developing a Framework for Managing Your Data


We live in a data-driven world, which means leveraging data to make strategic business decisions is more critical than ever. But how do you keep loads of data easily accessible, pared-down, and up to date? The key is to develop your own data architecture. What Is Data Architecture? Data architecture is the blueprint for how data moves through your organization, including how it’s captured, used, transformed, stored, and distributed. With a strong focus on data accessibility and security, your architecture acts as a system for keeping an organization's data strategy aligned with its larger business goals. Developing Your Framework: Getting Started There’s no universal system for developing a modern data architecture framework, but these steps will help you get started [...]

What Is Data Architecture? Developing a Framework for Managing Your Data2022-10-21T09:48:20-07:00

What Is Credential Stuffing?


Stolen usernames and passwords caused the most data breaches in 2021, which means it’s time to start viewing your login credentials as a first line of defense, rather than just a way to access different services. Learn more about how attackers use login credentials to enter your networks—and how you can stop them. What is credential stuffing? Why is it a threat to your business? Credential stuffing is a form of cyber attack that involves a bad actor taking usernames and passwords from one device and using it to gain access into another. For example, a bad actor might take the credentials from user accounts for an online retailer and use it to get into a bank’s website, hoping [...]

What Is Credential Stuffing?2023-01-27T12:45:23-07:00

Best Practices for Managing Data Protection


From meeting compliance requirements to protecting your business’s bottom line, safeguarding sensitive data is essential to the success of your business, but do you have a solid management model in place to ensure you can do so effectively? Often used to secure personally identifiable information (PII), data protection management is a strategic combination of human and automated data backup and protection processes, and we break down the best practices you should follow to make sure your management is always up to speed with the latest regulations and security threats. Data Protection Principles to Guide Your Approach The United States doesn’t currently have a central federal data protection law. However, different industries across the country often work toward the same [...]

Best Practices for Managing Data Protection2022-05-31T17:13:52-07:00

Remote Working Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe


As many companies have discovered over the past couple of years, remote working presents myriad advantages, from lower overhead costs to happier, more productive employees. However, with these benefits come new cybersecurity risks. As businesses continue to adapt to a new way of working, cybercriminals are there to take advantage of any weaknesses. To minimize damage to your business and maintain the competitive advantages of enabling remote work, you need to ensure your employees have the tools and knowledge necessary to protect their home networks. Tips Employees Working Remotely Need to Know Every unprotected endpoint is an open door for cyberattacks, so make sure to share these tips on how your employees can keep their information (and your business’s [...]

Remote Working Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe2022-05-31T17:09:37-07:00

The Dark Web: What It Is And How It Affects Your Organization


This article will explore the most commonly asked questions about the dark web and offer insights on how to prevent your organization’s data from ending up there. What is the dark web? The dark web and the deep web are terms that are often used interchangeably. The deep web is everything on the internet that is not indexed in search engines. This can include data like health records, confidential web pages, fee-based content, membership-based websites,  et cetera. Basically, anything that is not findable via Google or other search engines. If you have ever logged into Netflix to watch a movie or signed into Amazon to place an order, then you have been exposed to the deep web. The deep web [...]

The Dark Web: What It Is And How It Affects Your Organization2022-02-20T14:15:33-07:00

Stay Safe and Productive in 2021: 3 Phishing Threats to Know for the New Year


Cybercriminals are always evolving their methods of getting unauthorized access to your private information and with the rapid, on-a-dime increase of the remote workforce, 2020 has been an exceptional year for cybercrime. According to, phishing is a type of cybercrime in which a hacker contacts the target by email, phone, or SMS message (text message) and they pose as a recognized institution, business, or other organization. The purpose of phishing is to persuade people to provide private or sensitive data, like personal information, credit card and banking information, and login information (usernames, passwords, passphrases, etc.).  In this article, we will go over some of the most common phishing phenomena reported in 2020. Security awareness is the most effective way [...]

Stay Safe and Productive in 2021: 3 Phishing Threats to Know for the New Year2022-02-20T14:15:33-07:00

How to Recognize a Phishing Attempt


Phishing is a type of social engineering used to steal and collect data like login credentials, credit card, and bank account numbers, and other private information, or to get access to your company’s network. When they have that information, they can use it (or sell it) for identity theft, to access your accounts, or pose as you to people you know to get their information. Attackers pose as trusted entities, fooling victims into opening and clicking on the email, instant messages, and text messages.  Awareness is the best defense against phishing and other types of cybercrime. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), phishing messages often look like they’re from a company you know or trust. These messages often tell [...]

How to Recognize a Phishing Attempt2022-02-20T14:15:34-07:00

When it Comes to Phishing, Email Subjects are “Red Herrings”


Unfortunately, email phishing and other types of cybercrime have gone up significantly during the Coronavirus pandemic. The surge in working from home has left many organizations vulnerable to hackers. Suddenly, millions of people now access their company networks over their home WiFi connections. Hackers capitalize on the new opportunities that the pandemic has presented.   Has your organization been phished? We hope not. Just in case, here are some things to watch out for if you want to stay protected.    Heads up, we are indulging in some phishing puns on this post, so you've been warned.    Social Media as “Bait”   Fake social media emails, especially from LinkedIn (or supposedly from LinkedIn), are especially enticing as phishing schemes. [...]

When it Comes to Phishing, Email Subjects are “Red Herrings”2022-02-20T14:15:36-07:00

Data Breaches: What Small and Medium Businesses Need to Know


What is a Data Breach? A data breach is simply when information is accessed without authorization. This can be banking information, health, and other personal records, proprietary information, client lists, business plans, HR records, et cetera. If it’s data it can be breached.  Small and Medium Businesses are particularly susceptible to data breaches, making up 58% of all reported cybercrime victims. There is a common misperception among small and medium business owners and their staff that hackers and cybercriminals only go after the giants like Netflix, Equifax, and others. The truth is, any business can be a target. Because of the lax security of many smaller organizations, they are specifically targeted as the perfect low-hanging fruit for a hacker looking [...]

Data Breaches: What Small and Medium Businesses Need to Know2022-02-20T14:15:37-07:00
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