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Cyber Resilience Resolutions to Implement In the New Year


It’s your job to keep your business’s operations running smoothly with robust IT solutions, but how can you keep your systems secure? Achieving absolute security is impossible, so as we approach the new year (and the cyber threats that will come with it) it’s time to focus on not just cybersecurity, but cyber resilience. What Is Cyber Resilience? Though often considered a cybersecurity synonym, cyber resilience is a distinct concept. Cybersecurity is the tools, technologies, and processes involved in preventing and remediating those attacks. Cyber resilience, on the other hand, includes the ability to mitigate the mayhem that attackers cause once they’ve entered your networks. When evaluating your resilience, you might ask questions like: What measures are in place [...]

Cyber Resilience Resolutions to Implement In the New Year2023-01-27T13:29:33-07:00

Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers


Remote work has taken workplaces by storm, so much so that Upwork predicts remote workers will make up nearly 30% of the workforce in the near future. However, while this new way of working presents a number of competitive advantages, such as access to wider talent pool, it also comes with new cybersecurity risks. Don’t miss the top tips you need to know to protect your business from today’s remote working cybersecurity threats. Biggest Remote Working Cybersecurity Risks & Concerns BIGGER ATTACK SURFACES With employees working remotely, businesses now need to monitor and secure a higher number of networks and endpoints, which can be extremely difficult for IT teams that are stretched thin or don’t have access to advanced [...]

Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers2023-01-27T13:22:08-07:00

Cybersecurity Awareness Month in Review: Here’s How to Boost Your Security Profile


This year’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month has been a great success! We’re taking a closer look at why this month matters, plus easy ways your business can immediately start strengthening its security posture. How It Started Back in 2004, as cybersecurity threats became more commonplace, the President of the United States and Congress officially declared October Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Since its founding, this month has been a collaborative effort between government agencies and private industry to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and empower individuals to stay safe online. Why It Matters According to Norton’s Cybersafety Insights Report, nearly 2 in 3 adults say they are spending more time online than ever before. With the internet playing an increasingly [...]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month in Review: Here’s How to Boost Your Security Profile2022-10-21T09:56:46-07:00

How Privileged Access Management Can Minimize Cyber Attacks & Costly Human Errors


You know the importance of good password hygiene, but when it comes to safeguarding your critical assets from ever-evolving cyber attacks, you don’t want to rely solely on the strength of your login credentials. That’s where privileged access management (PAM) comes in. What is privileged access management (PAM)?First, what is privileged access? In the IT world, privileged access refers to accounts that have more capabilities than the average user. This often means they can, for example, install or uninstall software; add, edit, or delete users; edit passwords and make other administrative changes. These accounts are a lucrative target for cyber criminals looking to gain access to highly confidential information, and more and more organizations are relying on PAM to help defend themselves [...]

How Privileged Access Management Can Minimize Cyber Attacks & Costly Human Errors2022-10-21T09:52:19-07:00

What to Consider in Determining & Establishing a Security Framework for Your Organization


With cyber attacks on the rise, a proactive cybersecurity management program is essential to securing your systems and safeguarding your business. But how do you go about developing one? While some businesses choose to create one in-house, many choose to leverage one (or more) of the standard security frameworks. Read on to get our top tips on how you can select the framework that’s best for your business. What Is a Security Framework? Cybersecurity frameworks are sets guidelines, standards, and best practices for organizations to follow in order to manage vulnerabilities, measure performance, and execute other key security functions. While different frameworks support different requirements, such as compliance and audit needs, they all share a common goal: to help [...]

What to Consider in Determining & Establishing a Security Framework for Your Organization2023-01-27T13:10:24-07:00

What is Baiting in Cybersecurity


When it comes to social engineering attacks, you might think phishing attacks are your only threat. But that’s only one of the ways bad actors take advantage of human behavior and put your business at risk. Here’s what you need to know about another common social engineering technique: baiting. Often described as being a real-life “Trojan horse,” baiting attacks work by exploiting human curiosity in order to achieve its goal. Different from phishing, which exploits a human’s trust or creates a sense of fear, baiting involves enticing victims with some sort of false promise. If the bait is taken, bad actors can gain access to a system or steal sensitive information. Baiting Techniques to Know There are two key [...]

What is Baiting in Cybersecurity2023-06-26T02:01:23-07:00

SMB Cybersecurity Tips: What You Need and How to Get Started


Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) rely on information technology as much as any large enterprise, but they usually don’t have the luxury of being able to afford a robust cybersecurity program. Here’s what SMBs need to know about their unique vulnerabilities (and how to start fixing them). Why are SMBs at risk? In many cases, bad actors are after one thing: money. So why don’t they solely target large enterprises? Big organizations rake in a lot of revenue, but that also means they can afford highly sophisticated cybersecurity measures. Small and medium-sized business, on the other hand, tend to have weaker security. This makes them frequent targets for bad actors that want an easy payout or are searching for [...]

SMB Cybersecurity Tips: What You Need and How to Get Started2023-01-27T12:50:28-07:00

Remote Working Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe


As many companies have discovered over the past couple of years, remote working presents myriad advantages, from lower overhead costs to happier, more productive employees. However, with these benefits come new cybersecurity risks. As businesses continue to adapt to a new way of working, cybercriminals are there to take advantage of any weaknesses. To minimize damage to your business and maintain the competitive advantages of enabling remote work, you need to ensure your employees have the tools and knowledge necessary to protect their home networks. Tips Employees Working Remotely Need to Know Every unprotected endpoint is an open door for cyberattacks, so make sure to share these tips on how your employees can keep their information (and your business’s [...]

Remote Working Security Tips to Keep Your Business Safe2022-05-31T17:09:37-07:00

Do You Have a Ransomware Response Plan? How to Build One


With more than 4,000 occurring every day, ransomware attacks are no longer a question of if, but when. Don’t let your business get caught off guard and make sure you have a clear ransomware response plan in place. What Is a Ransomware Attack? The term ransomware has become a cybersecurity buzzword but what is it, precisely? What happens when ransomware infects your systems and networks? Put briefly, ransomware is a form of malware that will take your data, or your entire system, hostage. With the goal of extorting money from you, the ransomware won’t release your data until you pay a ransom. Despite the damage these attacks can cause, many businesses don’t have a response plan in place and [...]

Do You Have a Ransomware Response Plan? How to Build One2022-08-23T16:17:27-07:00

Endpoint Security Solutions: What to Look for


Every endpoint in your business poses a threat. Left unprotected, each endpoint becomes an unchallenged point of entry for cyberattacks, and the frequency and intensity of attacks continue to increase. Here’s what you can do to shore up cybersecurity in this particularly vulnerable area. What is an endpoint? Any device that connects to the network outside its firewall is an endpoint. Some endpoints that may readily come to mind are laptops, mobile devices, and tablets. Endpoint devices also include digital printers, point-of-sale (POS) systems, and other IoT (internet of things) devices. Take inventory, and you might realize that there are more endpoints in your system than you initially thought. You may also find that the number and type of [...]

Endpoint Security Solutions: What to Look for2022-02-02T09:39:13-07:00

SMB Cybersecurity Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know


As a small or medium-sized business owner, you might assume hackers target large organizations with the goal of raking in more money. In reality, no business is totally safe from cyberattacks, and SMBs are actually targeted at nearly the same rate as large enterprises. Here is what the statistics have to say about why SMBs need robust security measures, too. 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses Hackers will often target SMBs because the companies’ computer and security systems are typically less complex, making it easier for hackers to access sensitive information. Additionally, businesses today are digitally connected to each other, so hackers often see small businesses as an access point to the systems of large companies, which may [...]

SMB Cybersecurity Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know2022-04-18T10:04:00-07:00

Patch Management Pointers: Best Practices to Secure Your Systems


Do you have a patch management process in place? If not, you’re opening your organization up to vulnerabilities. It’s time to set up and implement a patch management system that works.  You know all about the serious risks cyber attacks pose these days, but what if we told you that consistently implementing patch management best practices could stop most hackers in their tracks? Patches involve the deployment of new or updated code that fixes mistakes, covers vulnerabilities, improves performance, or adds new features to operating systems, applications and software. Why You Should Prioritize Patching It’s true that patch rollout can feel overwhelming, and if you are part of a small business, you might feel like it’s impossible to keep [...]

Patch Management Pointers: Best Practices to Secure Your Systems2021-09-17T08:23:09-07:00
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