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Providing a reliable activation process, KMS Activator stands as an efficient tool for various Microsoft Windows and Office versions.

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Do You Have a Ransomware Response Plan? How to Build One

March 22nd, 2022|Cybersecurity|

With more than 4,000 occurring every day, ransomware attacks are no longer a question of if, but when. Don’t let your business get caught off guard and make sure you have a clear ransomware response plan in place. What Is a Ransomware Attack? The term ransomware has become a cybersecurity buzzword but what is it, precisely? What happens when [...]

How to Properly Manage Your IT Asset Lifecycle

February 22nd, 2022|Managed Services|

Even if you invest in the latest, most innovative technologies, they will eventually become obsolete. However, with a well-executed asset management system, you can prolong your information technology assets' viability and get the most value for your technology spend. What Is IT Asset Lifecycle Management? Defined simply, IT asset lifecycle management - often referred to as just IT asset [...]

5 Digital Transformation Challenges—and How to Overcome Them

February 8th, 2022|Technology Performance|

Even if your organization hasn't embarked on its digital transformation, you’ve likely heard the term and considered whether a transformation is the right next step. So what is it, exactly, and what can a digital transformation do for your business? A digital transformation usually refers to rethinking your approach to technology usage in the face of changing customer expectations [...]

Endpoint Security Solutions: What to Look for

February 2nd, 2022|Cybersecurity|

Every endpoint in your business poses a threat. Left unprotected, each endpoint becomes an unchallenged point of entry for cyberattacks, and the frequency and intensity of attacks continue to increase. Here’s what you can do to shore up cybersecurity in this particularly vulnerable area. What is an endpoint? Any device that connects to the network outside its firewall is [...]

SMB Cybersecurity Statistics Every Business Owner Should Know

January 28th, 2022|Cybersecurity|

As a small or medium-sized business owner, you might assume hackers target large organizations with the goal of raking in more money. In reality, no business is totally safe from cyberattacks, and SMBs are actually targeted at nearly the same rate as large enterprises. Here is what the statistics have to say about why SMBs need robust security measures, [...]

Making Sure IT Risk Management Is Prioritized in the Budget

January 12th, 2022|IT Solutions|

Does fighting for IT budget sometimes seem like an uphill battle? Some in your organization may see IT requirements as conflicting with the broader needs of the business, or they might not want to prioritize IT spend. But prioritizing IT risk management within the overall business objectives — and budgeting for that risk management — isn't a nice-to-have; it's [...]

IoT Security: How You Can Protect Your Business

January 12th, 2022|IT Solutions|

In the early days of the internet, you only connected computers to the world wide web, with actual physical wires, not over wifi networks. With the advent of wireless technology, we all connect countless devices to the internet, from computers to tablets to cell phones to thermostats and even light bulbs. Each connection is a security risk. Here'sHere's what you [...]

Protecting Your Business from a Ransomware Attack

January 12th, 2022|AccountabilIT News|

Think your biggest business problems are keeping up with industry trends, outpacing your competitors, finding the best talent, or figuring out how a hybrid work model fits your organization? Each of these may undoubtedly be a challenge, but here’s another one to add to your (likely growing) list: Ransomware. The severity and sophistication of ransomware attacks keep escalating across [...]

How Has New Technology Affected the Modern Workplace?

January 12th, 2022|AccountabilIT News|

The impact of technology is constantly shaping the workplace. Here’s a look at how technological advancements have increased everything from productivity to profitability. Office life is at the center of the popular TV series Mad Men, yet you may not have noticed the groundbreaking technology of the time illustrated throughout the show. From typewriters to the invention of the conference [...]

The Biggest Tech Issues Facing Business in 2022

January 12th, 2022|Managed Services|

Technology: Your business couldn’t run without it, but sometimes, it can cause more frustration than peace of mind. Here’s a look at some of the challenges and trends you’ll likely need to address to ensure a successful 2022. Technology Issues You Need to Understand Cybersecurity Concerns Technology is evolving every day, and many of these innovations can keep businesses [...]

Questions to Ask Yourself (and Your Team) About Moving to the Cloud

January 4th, 2022|Managed Services|

Businesses are always on the lookout for ways to streamline and automate their operations, maximize efficiency, and boost their bottom line. For many, moving their data and applications to the cloud is the answer. There are many benefits of cloud computing, such as: Cost-savings: With cloud technology, you only pay for what you need. Security: Your data might not [...]

What is the ITIL Framework & Why Does It Matter?

November 4th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Everything in business needs best practices, standards and systems, and IT is no different. This is especially true as IT has become more and more integral to every business. ITIL is a framework that brings a systematic approach to help businesses achieve stable IT environments, implement time- and cost-effective IT practices, and can best manage risk. In short, ITIL [...]

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