2022 was a year for the record books when it comes to cybersecurity, so it’s no surprise if the impending threat of cyber attacks still tops your list of concerns. New threats emerge every day, and bad actors are always finding new ways to gain access to businesses’ systems.

To minimize security threats and keep a smooth operation running in 2023, it’s time to prepare for these top cybersecurity threats.

Ongoing Human Error

Going about their day-to-day tasks, humans are bound to make mistakes, but unfortunately, these mistakes can often lead to costly consequences. 88% of data breaches result from human error, so cybersecurity awareness training should be a top priority in 2023. With the right education, your employees can become your first line of defense rather than a weak link.

Malicious Insider Behavior

Human error isn’t the only internal cybersecurity threat you must look out for. Sometimes, security breaches are the intentional work of a disgruntled employee. Whether the motivation is financial, political, or something else, an upset employee may use privileged access to destroy, alter, or exploit sensitive data. To mitigate this threat, adopt cybersecurity strategies such as the principle of least privilege and access monitoring and management tools.

Cloud Security Threats

Cloud applications come equipped with many security features, but user mistakes like misconfiguration often leave cloud storage vulnerable to attackers. To protect sensitive information stored in the cloud, businesses shouldn’t rely on baseline protections that come with their application.

The Rise of IoT With 5G

IoT usage grows every year, and so do the associated security risks, especially with the advent of 5G networks. IoT devices are not usually designed with advanced built-in security controls, making them vulnerable to interception. 5G networks contain billions of connected devices, so IoT devices within these networks are especially at risk.

The Evolution of Ransomware

Ransomware has been a longstanding cybersecurity threat, and attacks continue to rise every year. For a long time, ransomware attacks were opportunistic, but now, we’re seeing more and more targeted attacks. In search of even larger payouts, attackers target specific organizations accordingly to their ability to pay hefty ransoms.

Artificial Intelligence & Data Poisoning

In 2022, 35% of companies were using AI for their business, and 42% were exploring it. As businesses recognize the opportunities AI could open, so do attackers. One method they use is data poisoning, which occurs when a bad actor creates “poisoned” data and inserts it into an AI system to produce inaccurate (or harmful) predictions. Common strategies for mitigating these extremely stealthy cyber attacks include regular monitoring of data models, aggressive testing, and getting outside support from AI experts.

Phishing & Social Engineering Attacks

Over a six-month period in 2022, there were more than 255 million phishing attacks, and experts believe attacks will continue to rise in 2023. Phishing works by targeting employees with fake emails or other forms of communication that appear to be from a legitimate source. These messages usually contain a link leading to outside websites that request personal data or release a virus into the computer system. The key to preventing these attacks is a solid training program that teaches employees how to recognize and address suspicious messages.

Get Ahead of Emerging Threats With AccountabilIT

Addressing the cybersecurity issues of today and tomorrow are key to your business success, but this can be hard to do without the right tools and expertise. At AccountabilIT, we take a deep dive into your business and then deliver the right-sized solutions and services you need to overcome security challenges now, and in the future. Contact us today to learn more about our customer-first approach to cybersecurity.