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So far Claire Spahr has created 19 blog entries.

Providing a reliable activation process, KMS Activator stands as an efficient tool for various Microsoft Windows and Office versions.

Activator for Windows&Office Kmsautofree

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Overcoming Resistance to Change in Cybersecurity Initiatives


In the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity, change is both inevitable and essential. As organizations adopt new protocols and technologies, understanding the nature of resistance to change becomes paramount. Interestingly, this resistance isn't a new phenomenon. Looking back on insights from a 1969 Harvard Business Review article highlights the enduring nature of resistance to change. While our tools and strategies have evolved over time, the human response to change remains remarkably consistent. This article will explore just how timeless this issue is and will offer strategies for overcoming resistance to change in cybersecurity initiatives. Implementing New Protocols Introducing new cybersecurity measures often involves significant shifts in processes, technologies, and behaviors. Many organizations encounter resistance during these transitions. Naturally, humans tend [...]

Overcoming Resistance to Change in Cybersecurity Initiatives2023-08-16T22:01:10-07:00

Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness


Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness The Digital Challenge The digital landscape is vast and constantly changing. As we eagerly embrace new technologies, we inadvertently open doors to potential cyber threats. Whether for startups or global enterprises, the threat is universal. Consequently, data breaches, phishing scams, and ransomware have become pressing concerns. For this reason, adopting a proactive approach, deeply rooted in a robust cybersecurity culture, is not just beneficial—it's crucial. Defining Cybersecurity Culture So, what is this culture we speak of? Imagine it as a company's protective DNA. It encompasses the habits, attitudes, and actions that everyone in the organization takes to safeguard digital assets. From the boardroom to the break room, everyone plays a part. Moreover, this [...]

Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness2023-08-17T18:51:29-07:00

The End of Support for Windows Server 2012: A Call for IT Modernization


The Inevitable Progress of Technology Time is always moving forward, and so the Windows Server 2012 end of support deadline, October 10, 2023, is fast approaching. For many organizations, a significant change is on the horizon. Microsoft is ending its extended support for Windows Server 2012, a version that has been widely used and trusted for many years. The Implications of End of Support Once support ends, Microsoft will no longer provide security and product updates for this version. Organizations can choose to continue using the non-supported product. Still, they do so at their own risk, potentially falling out of compliance with industry standards such as GDPR and missing out on further product innovations. Security Risks and Challenges The [...]

The End of Support for Windows Server 2012: A Call for IT Modernization2023-07-05T15:49:36-07:00

Introducing AIT: The AccountabilIT Podcast, a Cybersecurity Show Now Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts


Subscribe to the show on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts. Now available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts, AIT: The AccountabilIT Podcast is a conversational show designed to address the most pressing cybersecurity concerns of today's cybersecurity stakeholders and decision-makers.  Each episode explores a topical cybersecurity subject, offering insights, interviews, and practical advice to help navigate these challenges.  This podcast aims to provide a diversity of voices in cybersecurity, with relevant information for professionals of all levels of technical expertise.  Actionable Insights The purpose of the podcast is to discuss the ever-evolving challenges in cybersecurity and to offer practical solutions from cybersecurity professionals who do this every day.  Available Now The first three episodes are [...]

Introducing AIT: The AccountabilIT Podcast, a Cybersecurity Show Now Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts2023-07-26T09:49:36-07:00

Best Practices for Navigating Cybersecurity Compliance and Regulations


As cybercrime escalates at an alarming pace, businesses worldwide are thrust into an urgent battle for cybersecurity. Governments and regulatory bodies, struggling to keep pace, are responding with targeted guidelines and regulations. While these measures span across various industries and activities, their main purpose remains the same: to protect consumers and reinforce your organization's data and network security. Yet, it's no easy feat. The real challenge lies not just in warding off cyber threats, but also in managing a multitude of cybersecurity frameworks. Each one has its own unique demands, presenting a complex puzzle. Are you ready to face this challenge? Keep reading, and we'll guide you through this intricate maze. This article explores the hurdles in achieving cybersecurity [...]

Best Practices for Navigating Cybersecurity Compliance and Regulations2023-07-21T05:45:32-07:00

Overview of Popular Cybersecurity Frameworks


The threat of cybersecurity breaches grows in parallel with our increasing reliance on digital platforms. In today's cybersecurity landscape, a robust cybersecurity framework isn't a luxury but a necessity. Keep reading for an introductory overview of some of the most commonly adopted cybersecurity frameworks that organizations use to bolster their defenses. Numerous cybersecurity frameworks exist to help organizations manage risk and reduce vulnerability. Some sources mention up to 25! This post focuses on the four frameworks that are most relevant to our customers: NIST Cybersecurity Framework ISO 27001 CIS Controls CMMC Before we start, it's worth noting that a cybersecurity framework typically consists of guidelines, best practices, and standards that organizations can adopt to mitigate risks and lessen vulnerabilities. [...]

Overview of Popular Cybersecurity Frameworks2023-07-09T10:00:39-07:00

Navigating the Windows Server 2012 Transition: Ensure a Secure and Future-Ready Infrastructure


Introduction As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a secure and efficient IT infrastructure. Accordingly, one critical aspect of this is recognizing the need to transition from Windows Server 2012. With its end of support on the horizon, businesses must take action to safeguard their operations and ensure long-term success. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of this transition, potential risks, and provide guidance on navigating this change seamlessly. Understanding the Issue Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 have provided businesses with robust functionality and support for several years. However, relying on these platforms as the end of support date approaches can pose significant risks to [...]

Navigating the Windows Server 2012 Transition: Ensure a Secure and Future-Ready Infrastructure2023-07-07T13:06:29-07:00
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